Judges Classification & Eligibility

We want to build strong communication within the community of judges with IYSF qualification – International (A-level), National (B- level) and Local (C-level) with a dedicated training process.
Click here to see the Judges’ training and certification for national Federations.
International judges – A-Level (must be recommended by a national federation, if one exists)
- must participate in the on-line IYSF A-Level judging program and get certified by IYSF only
- 50 USD membership for 2 years is included in the price of the training
- IYSF will recommend these judges to judge the world championships, continental cups and help NFs with running their National judging training, certification and National judging
- each NF must have at least one A- level judge who serves as the communication channel between national and international judging compliant with IYSF rules, this judge should be a NF Head Judge
- must be listed on IYSF website
National judges – B Level
- trained by National federation (compliant with IYSF rules) and certified by National Federation
- judging national championships
Local/regional judges – C level
- trained by National federation (compliant with IYSF rules) and certified by National Federation
- judging regional and local championships
For all A,B,C judges
- athletes who fulfill the Judging requirements, can serve as a Judge during any competition season if the Athlete has chosen not to compete, their involvement as an Athlete has finished for the season or they can compete in different age division
- a Judge cannot participate in a competition if they are related to any of the Athletes competing
- official Judges can not coach